Wednesday, 15 March 2017


“The beautiful Beasley gardens at 435 Main Street East will be opened to the public next Thursday afternoon and evening, when a garden fete will be conducted by the Women’s Patriotic league for the benefit of the Red Cross Fund.”

Hamilton Spectator.   July 10, 1915.

The announcement of the event, inviting everyone to attend, can a week before it was scheduled, but preparations had already been started to make the Garden Fete of July 15, 1915, what the Spectator would be “the most largely attended affair of its kind ever held in the city."1

1 “Beasley Garden”

Hamilton Spectator.   July 10, 1915.

The announcement emphasized that “Everyone is invited” and that the nominal admission of 25 cents to the event would include the serving of cake and tea,” and that “every cent will be turned over to the Red Cross for the relief of the wounded fighting men overseas.”1

Since the war began almost a year earlier, there had made been many fundraising schemes in Hamilton to support the war effort, particularly to help the Canadian soldiers fighting at the front, This event was quite different as the committee had been working on providing an extensive program of entertainments as well as a chance for the ordinary citizens to visit a place that was usually not opened to the public.

The Beasley Gardens, part of the estate of Mr. A. C. Beasley, between King and Main streets, just west of Wentworth streets, and efforts were being made to make the property especially attractive for the event:

“The natural beauty of the grounds will be enhanced through the profuse use of the part-colored electric bulbs in booths, along the paths and in the trees in a dramatic illumination scheme.

The committee of the Women’s Patriotic league worked long hours organizing a small army of, mostly women, volunteers to make the event a success, with the hope that a goodly sum would be raised to donate to the Red Cross Fund. Knowing that every penny raised would go to help wounded soldiers, it was anticipated that the event would be a massive success.

The Hamilton Spectator, published the morning after the Red Cross Garden Party, gave extensive coverage to the event, providing great detail of all the entertainments provided, and gave recognition to the many ladies, and the few gentlemen, who had worked so assiduously help :

“Few homes in Hamilton have surrounding them more beautiful or well-kept grounds than that of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Beasley, which were en fete yesterday afternoon and evening for the mammoth garden party held there by the Women’s Patriotic league in aid of the Red Cross funds.

“At the Main street and King street entrances, Mrs. George L. Staunton, Mrs. George S. Bristol, Mrs. R. Hobson and Mrs. J. G. Gauld received the donations, and from the moment of entrance, charm enveloped everything that appealed either to the eye or the taste.

“Mrs. A. C. Beasley, Mrs. D. B. Gilles, Mrs. D. K. Baldwin and Mrs. P. J. Myler acted as reception committee and committee of management.

“At 5 o’clock, the party from Government House, Toronto, arrived, his Honor and Lady Hendrie, with Miss Enid Hendrie, attended by Mr. Marvin Rathburn, and with them was Mr. Noel Marshall, president of the Canadian Red Cross society, also of Toronto. The honored guests, in company with Mrs. John Crerar, Mrs. A. C. Beasley and Mr. W. H. Wardrope, enjoyed tea under the trees from a small table daintily set with old silver and a large bowl of pink roses.

“The grounds facing Main street had attractive decorations of giant flags of Britain and Canada, with a large Red Cross ensign in the center, and flags were in evidence in other parts of the grounds. Throngs of guests moved about, enjoying to the full the beauty of the gardens, the greetings  with friends and the many forms of entertainment offered.

“On the front porch, Lomas’ orchestra discoursed favorite and popular music throughout the afternoon, while along one of the garden walks the 91st Highland pipers marched proudly up and down. In a corner of the west lawn, where the Gypsy encampment had pitched their tents, a hurdy-gurdy, played by two dusky-skinned sons of the south, tolled out its tunes, so that all musical tastes were catered to.

“Afternoon tea and ice cream were served at small tables set on the front lawn, from a booth gaily decorated with flowers, in charge of Mrs. Harry Carpenter, with Mesdames Gordon Southam, George Parks, Vaughan Wright, Renison, Langford, Robinson, H. O’Heir, J.M. Eastwood. Misses Marjorie Bristol, Isabel MacDonald, Gwladys Gates, Geraldine Grantham, Ruth Frost, Paulin, Muriel Lee, Macaulay, Ethel McPhie, H. McGregaor, Thoe. Swanson, Marjorie and Grace Homes, Marjorie Brennan, Wilson, Insole, Helen Lowe, Husband, Robinson and M. Judd as assistants.

“The little folks were much interested in the orange trees, which were loaded with fruit, and were looked after by Miss E. Kappele, Misses Walsh, Sabine, Christie, Kilvington, Rand, Kendal, Stewart, Fralick, Norther, McKay, McCollum, Hogson, Smith, Dr. Lewis, Mrs. Long and Mr. Kappele. A slide for the children was in charge of Miss Connie Smith and Miss Vera Phin.

“In the gypsy encampment, business was rushing, and Mme. Brunelli and Wanda, twofamous gypsies from Toronto, and Miss Goering were kept busy telling the future for fair visitors from their palms. Miss Dudley Smith and Miss Mills foretold coming events from the cards, and Miss Correll read the tea cups. An innovation was the Russian tea table, with steaming samovar and all kinds of Russian dainties, in charge of Miss Shacknove and Mrs. A. Goldberg. Others assisting in the encampment were Mrs. Frank Glassco, Mrs. Howard Duffield, Misses Helen Dewar, Nona Gwen (Dundas), Ferrie and Margaret Scott, Miss W. E. Phin being in charge of the entire encampment.

“Clock golf was looked after by Messrs. A. C. Beasley, Harry Patterson, Wil Wilson, Miss Carrie Crerar and Miss Evelyn Gibson. The guessing cake and jar of beans was in the care of Mrs. Thomas Ramsay and Miss Cook, while all the many handsome articles donated for raffling were actively looked after by Mrs. Prentice, Mr. P. J. Myler, Mrs. George Fearman, Mrs. O’Neil, Mrs. R. O. MacKay, Mrs. J. J. Dean, Mrs. H. L. Frost, and Misses Ruth Day, Eva Powis, May Clark, Simpson, V. Simpson, Isabel and Dorothy Land, and Mrs. E. R. Coleman.

“The home-made table with its tall vases of flowers in red, white and blue, was in charge of Mrs. F. A. Merrick, assisted by Mrs. Harry Fearman, Mrs. Frank Walker, Mrs. H. G. Carscallen, Mrs. W. C. Hawkins, Miss Watson and Miss Dewar.

“Three pretty ponies were kept busy all afternoon carrying the boys and girls up and down the driveways, and Mr. Lyn Stuart and Mr. Argue Martin looked after both ponies and little folks. In the large driving house, artistically decorated for the occasion with flags and bunting, Mr. John Hackett and Miss Wynne Jackson gave exhibitions of barn dances and all the new and prettiest steps in their own charming manner.

“The flower and candy booth, placed in a large summer house in the midst of the garden, had to offer many home-made confections and hundreds of exquisite blossoms of every form and hue were for sale, nosegays, potted flowers and single blossoms, the variety offered being both a delight and a bewilderment to the eye. Miss Kate Thompson and Miss Mary Hazlett were in charge and with them were Misses Muriel Cartwright , Vera Millard, Beryl Wood, Frances Scott, Isabel Scott, Elsie McPherson, Dorothy and Mollie Cahill, Ellen Stewart, Isobel Smith, Misses Backus and Mrs. Robert Arkell.

“All the young ladies attending the various booths were picturesquely attired in white, with tiny snow-white caps, and wearing on their arm the Geneva cross of crimson, which is the emblem to all civilized humanity of love and mercy.

“It was a rare pleasure indeed, after enjoying the beauty of the old trees and the velvety lawns, to gaze into the extensive gardens at the rear of the house, and there wander up and down the trim paths beside flower borders unexcelled for beauty and variety in Hamilton every shade of pink, salmon and wine colors seen, Canterbury bells in many shades, and stocks of every delicate tint of pink, mauve and cream vied with each other for attention from passersby; while candy tuft in profusion gazed saucily around heedless of comment or criticism. Pansies were there in their robes of yellow, purple and vari-hued velvet, little flowers with the wisdom of the ages peering from their quaint faces, bringing to mind sweet thoughts of friends far distant. Across the garden were rows of poppies, gay flowers of a brief, summer’s day, whispering even in the sunshine of the sleep they held in their hearts for toil-worn human nature when the day was over. It was by an effort that guests could leave the garden, glorious with its galaxy of gorgeous bloom and riot of color.

“In the evening the grounds were magnificently illuminated with lights supplied by the Dominion Power and Transmission company, making them like a gay, white way. Throngs of people filled in the grounds and everything was in full swing, as in the afternoon. Music was provided by the band of the 13th Royal Regiment, under W. F. Robinson, and Hamilton Robinson proved a popular soloist, having to respond to several encores.

“The winning numbers for the raffled articles were 103, silver frame; 22, veranda chair; 14, fern basket; 91, electric fan; 3, oleander tree; 120, veranda table; 140, travelling kit; 62, clock; 9, parasol; 45, jewel box; 59, six doylies; 6, lamp shade; 75, fancy work table; 63, centerpiece; 26, travelling kit; 230, diamond bracelet; 54, lemonade jug. Miss Barbara Calvin won the doll.

“The lucky winners can obtain their prizes by presenting their tickets at the office of the Red Cross, James street.”2

2 “Red Cross Garden Party Was a Brilliant Success : Government House Party and Many Other Prominent People in Attendance”

Hamilton Spectator.   July 16, 1915




Saturday, 11 March 2017


       “The protests of the workers against the daylight-saving scheme and those who framed it have not been altogether in vain.”

Hamilton Herald.   June 29, 1916.

It had been tried for the first time in Hamilton the previous year, but when it was about to be continued again in 1916, opposition was strong.

Municipalities had been given the option of agreeing to the Daylight Saving scheme or not agreeing to it.

In 1915, Hamilton City Council had agreed to give it a trial, particularly as the idea had seemed to be successful in Great Britain, France and many other European countries, as well as in several cities in the United States.

However, as reported in the Hamilton Herald of June 29, 1916, there was concerted opposition to another imposition of Daylight Saving time:

“Members of the city council, during the last few days, have had it forcibly impressed upon them  that ‘shoving the hands of the clocks ahead one hour and forgetting about it’ wasn’t so easy and so wonderfully successful as they prophesied. The aldermen have a healthy idea that it has proved a sorry fizzle, and that its continuation might have a buzz-saw effect next election day.”1

1“Get Plebiscite on Daylight Saving.”

Hamilton Herald.   June 29, 1916.

Alderman Hodgson who had suggested the day-light saving scheme to council in 1915 publicly admitted that he had been “severely panned and criticized for being the one who had started the “fad”:

“ ‘There is a great deal of dissatisfaction in my ward and throughout the entire east end,’ said the alderman this morning. ‘I do intend to add one iota to the burden of the workingmen, and, now that it has proven a burden, I will admit that we have made a mistake.’ ”1


Friday, 10 March 2017


The issue of the Spectator, published the day after the formation of the Hamilton Recruiting League, not only carried an article about the organizational meeting, but an editorial strongly endorsing the league’s goal:

“Nearly a year has passed since the war began, and during most of that time the only difficulty was to repress the eagerness of the young men who wanted to go to the front. Those who were accepted considered themselves fortunate, and those who were not were accordingly disappointed. The pressure to enlist has now slackened, and indeed some difficulty is being found in securing the necessary number of men for the latest enrollment. Special means, therefore, are now to be taken to stimulate interest in the movement, and to arouse possible recruits to a sense of their duty.

“It is not the lack of courage which hinders the springing forward of our young men in undiminished numbers. After every reverse, whatever the slaughter, the rush to enlist is renewed. The whole trouble is lack of interest. Those naturally inclined to a military life have either gone forward already or been rejected on medical grounds. Among those who remain of suitable age, the question is simply one of stern duty, which may or may not be faced as it should be now that the war has become somewhat monotonous, and there is much nearer to distract attention. On one side are business connections, families, etc; on the other side of the obligations of patriotism. On which side will the call be louder? On the side of patriotism, it will not be the louder until steps have been taken to paint in impressive colors the reality of the situation.

“In Great Britain, the duty to enlist has been set forth in a great variety of ways – by public meetings addressed by well-known speakers, by skillfully framed advertisements, by cartoons, by social pressure, etc. The result is that Kitchener’s army is at least ten times as large in proportion to population as all the contingents that have yet been formed in Canada. If Canada were doing as well as Great Britain, we should have at least half a million men in the field or in training, instead of not much more than a hundred thousand. The war is just as much ours as it is Britain’s. Canada is an integral part of the Empire. If Britain fails, nothing can save us. It is high to us to awake out of comparative sleep.

“It is cheering to find that the most weighty men in our community are taking the matter in hand. They will proceed with it in a business-like way, and great results may be expected. WE shall begin to look at things in a true perspective; and, when our young men know how much they are needed, they will rally to the flag crying, each one, ‘Here I am; send me.’ ”1

1  “Recruiting”

Hamilton Spectator.   July 8, 1915.

Not only was there a strongly-worded in the Spectator of July 8, 1915, the front page reproduced a number of statements heard at the meeting the previous night.

Under a boldly presented headline on the center top of the front page, the following utterances were printed in bold type:

“ ‘Canadians should not raise any false hopes of an early collapse of Germany. That collapse is not yet in sight’ – Sir John Gibson.

“ ‘Are we to be subdued and compelled to seek terms or not? It is still an open question’– Sir John Gibson.

“ ‘Hamilton should be ashamed to acknowledge that she has permitted her boys to leave the city for the front uninsured” – Lieut.-Col. Logie.

“ ‘ The Fate of the British nation is trembling in the balance. The question still is, what is to become of the British Empire?’ – Sir John Gibson.

“ ‘The people of this city stand greatly in need of being impressed with the seriousness of the situation and the need for all the men we can offer.’ – Sir John Gibson.

“ ‘It is not on the ‘hurrah boys’ basis, but on sober conviction of the necessity facing us that this recruiting campaign should be undertaken.’ – Lieut.-Col. Logie.

“ ‘Nobody in this city should begrudge a few extra mills on the dollar in the way of taxation for insurance for the soldiers.’ – Lieut.-Col. Logie.


“ ‘The people of Canada do not understand the seriousness of the situation; do not appreciate the fact that the future of their country and of their children is involved.’ – Lieut.-Col. Logie.

“ ‘The people of England have realized within the last six weeks what this war means to them. It is time that Canada woke up to the same realization.’ – Capt. Huggins.

“ ‘The citizens of Hamilton must be convinced of the necessity of sending contingents to the front and that need must be talked over in the homes with the women.’ – Lieut.-Col. Logie.


2 “You Young Men Who Can Enlist ! : What Say you to These Utterances at Last Night’s Meeting. Read ‘Em All”

Hamilton Spectator. July 8, 1915.

By July 9, 1915, just two days after the Hamilton Recruiting League has been formed, a prominently visible part of the League’s business appeared at the James street end of Gore Park, a recruiting station:

“This will be in charge of the various officers, who will have recruiting sergeants on the job to look after the applicants. The officers of the local garrison will take their turn in doing duty at the booth, while the recruiting sergeants will be drawn from overseas units already organized”3

3 “Will Explain the Need for More Recruits”

Hamilton Spectator.   July 9, 1915.

Another effort was underway but not completed:

“The officers of the league are preparing a large poster showing to what measure the government, and the city protects the men and their families. The rates of pay, the government and patriotic fund allowances, pensions and insurance will be carefully explained, and thus putting this important part of the question before the public in a clear way for the first time since the war broke out.”3

By July 9, 1915, it was understood that there had been about 2,500 men from Hamilton and district who had volunteered to fight in the war. It was fully anticipated that another 1,000 recruits would be required before the end of the year.:

“In order that this number may be secured, the young men of this community and their parents must thoroughly realize the absolute need for the best the city can send out. There is no excuse for   the physically fit not going and the league’s undertaking will be to convince the public of that fract.”3



Thursday, 9 March 2017


“The citizens of Hamilton are gradually awakening to the seriousness of the military situation as it pertains to the British empire and to Hamilton’s share in the burdens which must be assumed before victory is secured”

Hamilton Spectator.   July 8, 1915.

The war that many felt would be over by Christmas, 1914 was still very much alive in the month of July 1915. The enthusiasm for signing up to fight in the war has long since waned, although the need for more and more soldiers had increased substantially.

On Wednesday July 7, 1915, an important meeting was held in the Thirteenth Royal officers’ mess room to address the pressing need for more recruits to step forward from the ranks of the men of Hamilton.

It was intended that a new and powerful organization would be created to be called the Hamilton Recruiting League.

Lieutenant-Colonel W. R. Bruce, seconded Lieutenant-Colonel George D. Fearman,  made the following motion to formally form the league:

“Resolved, that this meeting do now proceed with the organization of the Hamilton Recruiting League to assist the authorities in every practicable way in adding to the quota called for from this city and district from time to time, and to co-operate, as the need may arise, with industries requiring men in turning out munitions of war.”1

1 “Recruiting League Formed Last Night”

Hamilton Herald.    July 8, 1915.

The motion was carried unanimously, and immediately afterward the committees of the new league were created, with the titles Manufacturers, Public Meetings, Finance and Insurance, Merchants, Trades and Labor, Program, Publicity, Recruiting Stations, Churches and Ladies’ Auxiliary.

The first speaker of the meeting was a former Hamiltonian, Colonel W. A. Logie, commandant of the Niagara camp and one of the leading officers in charge of military preparations in Canada. He noted that the Dominion government had decreed that four battalions needed to be raised and that Hamilton was expected to provide at least 500 men for that quota. Colonel Logie had become aware that recruiting had slowed considerably there and had assigned his officers to ascertain why.

          The reasons determined by the officers for the lull in recruiting fell into three basic areas – work was plentiful, women and employers did not want to let their men go and defective teeth and other physical imperfections were disqualifying those who had tried to volunteer.

          In his remarks, Colonel Logie stated, “I believe, however, that the whole basis for the apathy is that the people do not understand that anything is happening to the British empire, or that anything is likely to happen in Canada, as a result of this war. If they realized what it would mean to them, and that their homes might be vitally affected, I feel that they would come forward. It is your duty to persuade fit men – both married and single – to come forward.

“It was suggested in Toronto that mass meetings be held, preceeded by a big parade, headed by the regimental band, and then have a big hurrah boys’ meeting with a recruiting officer at the door. That is just a temporary arrangement. It is for you to convince the men of the need and they will come forward. We cannot stop until the stage is reached where the people in the home will say to their men, ‘It’s your duty to go. Go on.’ I am sure that after this meeting the recruiting in Hamilton will go on, not in the ‘hurrah boys’ style, but because of sound convictions. You will find many on the streets today who will say that they will go if they are needed. Many women in Toronto cannot see why their husbands are needed, and are trying to withdraw given consents. It is for you to prove the need.

“There is one thing, though, in Hamilton that I think the city should be ashamed of. I pay taxes in this city, and I am quite willing to be taxed for the insurance on the men who go to the front, risking their lives for the country, and I don’t think that anyone would object to a few mills on the dollar if need be. The day after the war broke out, I went down to Toronto and offered my services to General Lessard. I felt quite down-hearted about it, because I thought that the companies might say that I was taking more than ordinary risks, and that all my savings would be wiped out in one stroke. I have since learned that the polices are all good. The city of Hamilton has, however, done nothing to insure the men from this city, whereas even the small towns have done that. Toronto is insuring every man from there for $1,000 each. Why should Hamilton fail in that respect? I think that the mayor is in sympathy. I think that the next of kin of every man killed should receive $1,000. It is good politics for the aldermen. The relatives of these soldiers have votes and if they see that the aldermen are doing what they can for them in times of crisis, they will appreciate it.”1

“After Colonel Logie’s speech, it was noted that those present were in for a treat, as there were two Hamilton heroes present. Captain S. J. Huggins and Lieutenant George Ballard, two Hamilton officers who went off with the first contingent, but who were back in Hamilton on furlough recovering from wounds received at St. Julien during that memorable battle which took place on the 23rd of April.

“In calling upon Captain Huggins to speak, Major Huggins said, ‘these two men have gone forth, have conquered, and are back again with us, and the city of Hamilton is proud of them.’

“After thanking the major for his kind words for himself and Lieutenant Ballard, Captain Huggins told about his experiences at the front :

“He said that speaking as an Ottawa man, the officers, non-coms and men from Hamilton were of the very highest caliber. Major Ballentyne had told him that at the time when only 242 were left of the 850 in the Fourth battalion, and when he had only Capt. Jones, of Brantford, and Captain Wright and Lieutenant Washington to assist him, they had proven their worth. Had he not been so seriously wounded, the major said he certainly would have seen to it that Captain Wright and Lieutenant Washington were mentioned in dispatches. Captain Huggins ventured the hope that it was still not too late.

“He described some of the conditions that existed at Salisbury plain, where even the town was four feet under water, and it was necessary to get around on rafts. Despite all this, the discipline was of the best. When the boys landed at the front, they showed their worth. General Gordon, who commanded the Nineteenth brigade, which was the only brigade not in a division, said that he would like to see Canadians brigaded with him, and if not the brigade, at least the fourth battalion.

“ ‘The men’s only complaint previous to St. Julien was that they could not get into action,’ said the captain. ‘When the big fighting was going on around Hill 89, where so many brave deeds were done, the men thought sure they would be in it. They were called out and officers were even taken up to the hill in order to be able to take the men up, if they were called to do so in the dark. However, we were told on Thursday morning that the situation there was well in hand. Had it not been for that fighting at Hill 60, the Canadians would have been in the trenches from which the French native troops were gassed out, and then a different story might have been told. I do not wish to cast any reflections on the French soldiers, who are as good and better fighters than they ever were. But these trenches were held by native territorials, and not the French regulars, and they were probably not so determined to overcome obstacles.”1

Captain Huggins had a stern message for those in charge of newspapers, expressing his opinion that the publication of letters from the front were a cause for the slowness of recruiting. The captain claimed that many things were contained in the letters which were better left unsaid, and the individual soldiers could not make conclusions on general conditions at the front, but only were able to relate their own experiences.

In concluding his address, Captain Huggins said, “You cannot drive home with too much force the need for recruits. This war is a fight to the finish, in which we will need to husband all our resources and send our best men out. The people of England have only come to a realization in the last six weeks of what the war is, and we must soon realize it too. It has surprised me to learn this evening that Hamilton has not insured her men at the front. I think Hamilton is the only city in Canada who has failed to take that step.”2

2 “Hamilton Recruiting League Organized to Raise Men for Canada’s New Contingents”

Hamilton Spectator.    July 8, 1915.

While Captain Huggins was well-known to many Hamiltonians, it was the next speaker who was a Hamiltonian through and through. Lieutenant George Ballard not only lived and went to school in Hamilton before he enlisted, he was a popular player with the Tiger football team.

When Lieutenant Ballard was called upon to speak the gathering erupted:

“As he marched to the front of the room, those present rose to their feet with three rousing cheers for one who had acquitted himself so nobly. He told the meeting that he had so much in his mind that it would take all night to tell it, and even then he wouldn’t have told it all.”2

One soldier singled out for tribute in Ballard’s remarks was Lieutenant Brant who had been killed at St. Julien. Brant was a young aboriginal man, grandson of the famous chieftain of that name.

When Ballard was wounded, Brant was among those who came to his aid:

“ ‘When they picked me up and placed me on their shoulders and proceeded to calmly walk off the field, I felt that I was going to be picked off at any minute, but somehow or other, they succeeded in getting me back of the firing line without mishap. I cannot say too much in praise of Brant, who acted with wonderful coolness.’

“In concluding his address, Lieut. Ballard dwelt upon the urgent need for recruits. ‘Slackers in the old country are having a sorry time of it,’ he said, ‘and slackers in this country are going to have just as sorry a time. It was Canada’s fight just as much as England’s and those who had not come to a realization of that fact would do well to do so at once. Germany would not leave Canada alone for any length of time after defeating Great Britain. The women of England, the women of Canada, in case of German victory, would have to submit to the same inhuman treatment accorded the women and children of Belgium. Canadians should realize the defeat of England would mean the loss of Canadian independence. The military machine that can conquer Great Britain and France, to say nothing of Russia and Italy, would soon make Canada a German dependency. The United States is not a military nation and would not figure. England stands in constant peril of invasion by Germany and only the watchfulness of the British navy prevents that invasion. The Germans have never given up the idea of an invasion of the British Isles.’ ”2

The final speaker of the meeting was Hamilton’s own Sir John Gibson who, as described by the Spectator man in attendance, “spoke with a thoughtfulness and earnestness that reached every man present and impressed all with the serious view of the war taken by Sir John”2

A part of his address, Sir John said, “I must confess that I have been pessimistic right from the commencement of the war. I have felt that the fate of the British empire is trembling in the balance. We must not hold out false hopes of an early collapse of Germany. That collapse is not yet in sight. The question still is, what is to become of the British empire? Are we to be threshed, subdued and compelled to seek terms or not? It is an open question. We’re too enthusiastic at times, too satisfied with the situation and with the manner in which things are going. We must grow more thoughtful; must study the situation. I am very anxious that we should get down to business. The people of this city stand really in need of being impressed with the seriousness of the situation. Something is to be done that isn’t being done. Let us get it done !”2

After a time spent electing officers for the various committee which had been named, it was decided to hold another meeting of the brand new Hamilton Recruiting League in the 91st Highlanders officers’ mess at the end of the week to get things moving quickly.

The meeting ended with the singing of the national anthem and three hearty cheers for the British army.