Saturday, 26 November 2016


“For the first time in eighteen or twenty years, the crack of the old Sniders in actual target practice was heard in this vicinity yesterday afternoon at the rifle ranges.”

Hamilton Spectator.   June 19, 1915.

In the 1890s, a rifle range had been established at the base of the escarpment, west of the city limits. It was mainly for the use of soldiers of the Hamilton militia unit, the 13th at first. The use of rifle ranges had become diminished in the years before the outbreak of the war in August, 1914.

Volunteers who had entered service with the professional army received their training at ValCatier, Quebec. However, there were volunteer soldiers who remained in Hamilton, members of the Hamilton Home Guard. These volunteers were tasked to protect key locations of the city from any tampering by enemy agents. The Home Guard was also expected to be ready to mobilize quickly in case of any civil insurrection locally.

On June 18, 1915, members of No. 1 Company of the Hamilton Home Guard assembled at the rifle ranges for practice:

“The weather was ideal for shooting, and some good scores were made, the high man for the day being Sergt. Burnside, with a total of 45 out of a possible 50.

“The distance was 100 yards, each man firing ten rounds.”1

1 “Old Sniders : Home Guard Members Used Them on the Ranges Yesterday”

Hamilton Spectator.   June 19, 1915.

The soldiers were volunteers with little previous training, and they had to use older weapons , known as Snider rifles:

“A number of the men had never before fired a military weapon, and the officers expressed themselves satisfied with the showing made.

“For some time a rumor has been going the rounds that the Snider rifle was rather a dangerous weapon; but it was proved yesterday that the only danger was to the enemy.

“The rifle behaved splendidly, and the alleged wicked ‘kick’ of the Snider was conspicuous by its absence. This is a good, serviceable rifle, and, properly handled, its wicked ‘kick’ is a myth.”1

The next practice at the rifle ranges for the No. 1 Company, Hamilton Home Guard was scheduled for the following Wednesday, after which a drill session of military marching was to take place on the grounds of Central Public school. At that parade, opportunities for those interested in joining the Hamilton Home Guard were to be provided.

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