Sunday, 12 June 2016


Relations between Hamilton City Hall and those individuals who lease space on the Market Square have generally been less than positive.

In March 6, 1915, relations were strained by a somewhat different matter than usual:

“Much indignation was expressed by the farmers on the Central Market this morning, especially those who deal in dairy produce, because of the clouds of smoke which poured forth from the chimneys on City Hall.”1

1 “Is a Nuisance”

Hamilton Times.    March 6, 1915.

In particular, dealers selling butter were affected :

“Several retailers, who were exhibiting butter for sale, were forced to take the top layer off after they had them on the counters for a short time, owing to the soot from the furnaces in the City Hall falling on the butter, and changing its bright hue to a more somber color.”1

Butter was not the only item affected by the falling soot, also impacted were displays of meat and cheese:

“”In many cases, the farmers were forced to cover up all their merchandise, and display it only when asked to, as the soot accumulated in layers, giving one an impression that some new varieties of spotted farm produce was being offered for sale on the Hamilton market.”1


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